Forever Absorbent-C (100 таблетки) витамин С


Forever Absorbent-C (100 таблетки) витамин С

Хранителна добавка | Нетно количество: 90 таблетки (105 г)

Food supplements containing bioflavonoids and vitamin C. Vitamin C plays a role in both the maintenance of the immune system and the defense of cells against oxidative stress. Papaya has anti-oxidant benefits.


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Forever Absorbent-C (100 таблетки) витамин С

Хранителна добавка | Нетно количество: 90 таблетки (105 г)

Food supplements containing bioflavonoids and vitamin C. Vitamin C plays a role in both the maintenance of the immune system and the defense of cells against oxidative stress. Papaya has anti-oxidant benefits.

Given that it contains naturally occurring vitamin C, it is a vitamin preparation. Papaya, oranges, and other citrus fruits are the source of it. 60 mg of vitamin C in one pill is added to oatmeal together with readily degradable bulking agents. Three pills in this combination provide all the vitamin C needed daily for a healthy person. When one is sick, has an unhealthy lifestyle (smoking), gets cold, or gets injured, one needs more vitamin C.This vital vitamin must be consumed through food because the human body is unable to manufacture it on its own. Because vitamin C is highly soluble in water, the kidneys remove it from the body quickly. Although vitamin C is found in many tablets, it is eliminated from the body in the urine after two to three hours. For this reason, Forever has created a unique protective procedure that combines vitamin C with oatmeal or ballast materials to prolong its presence in the stomach and intestines, where metabolism occurs, for up to 4 to 6 hours.

Collagen fibers, the connective tissues that enable the body to renew its organs and tissues, are derived from vitamin C. This is a result of connective tissue being used by the body to replace dead cells. This is the reason that vitamin C is involved in almost every metabolic activity in the human body. It is also among the most well-known antioxidants that we eat. Studies have shown that an adult’s blood cholesterol can be lowered by 3% with a daily consumption of 40g of oats. In addition, vitamin C is used to prevent cataracts, improve lung function, preserve blood vessel health, treat nosebleeds, treat bruises on the body, and aid in the withdrawal from alcohol and cigarettes.

Забележка: Тези състояния могат да бъдат причинени от няколко фактора и промяната само на един от тях може да не доведе до положителен ефект.

Съставки: Овес (Avena stavia) трици, подсладител (сорбитол), мед, витамин С (аскорбинова киселина), антислепващ агент (стеаринова киселина, силициев диоксид), аромати (портокал, папая), екстракт от плодове на горчив портокал (Citrus aurantium L.). Съвети за алергии: за алергени, вижте съставките в удебелен шрифт.


Начин на употреба - препоръчителна дневна доза: възрастни 3 таблетки дневно (Витамин С, 180 mg, 225%). ВНИМАНИЕ! Препоръчителното дневно количество не трябва да се превишава. Хранителната добавка не е заместител на балансираното и разнообразно хранене. Прекомерната консумация може да има слабителен ефект. Да се съхранява на място, недостъпно за деца! Срок на годност (поне до края на срока на годност): отпечатан на дъното на опаковката (месец и година). Партида или партида (L), щампована на дъното на бутилката. ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ! Не използвайте продукта, ако пломбата е нарушена.


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